A Message from ACEC-BC YPG’s Chair

April 30, 2020

Dear ACEC-BC YPG Members,

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy in these unprecedented times. As you have probably already noticed, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic we have had to cancel or postpone our in-person ACEC-BC Young Professional events for the foreseeable future, including the ACEC-BC YP Conference. I know many of you look forward to the networking opportunities that our in-person events provide, and we are working hard to develop a solution to deliver you events and resources virtually for the next few months.

You have probably now received countless emails encouraging you to stay connected while staying physically distanced. Although you may find it challenging, it is important to reach out to others and maintain relationships, providing support to both your colleagues and clients. 

Here are a few thoughts when reaching out:

  • Ask how the other person is doing. Many people are facing new challenges working from home either alone, with their partner, or their family. Sharing your experience and listening to theirs is a great way to form a connection.
  • Use video calling when you can – this is a great option when not meeting face-to-face. It allows for you to still read nonverbal facial cues which are an important part of communication.
  • Schedule time for social calls before your calendar fills up. This could be a 15-minute coffee break with a friend, or a longer catch up with a mentor. Maybe try a virtual happy hour! I have found this a great way for my work team to continue to connect.

We know many of our firms are facing challenging times in light of the COVID-19 situation. Please know that ACEC-BC are here as a resource for you and your firm. 

A few highlights from recent weeks:

  • ACEC-BC is directly advocating with clients, policy makers, and construction and industry partners. This has, for example, resulted in key clients switching to accepting online submissions for proposals.
  • ACEC-BC has created a COVID-19 Resource Center where they continue to post and update relevant content to the consulting industry.
  • ACEC-BC is developing free webinars on a variety of topics including contractual and insurance considerations and tools in dealing with the crisis, digital signature technology, and more.

If there are any ways you would like to see the ACEC-BC Young Professionals Group supporting you during these times, please reach out to me directly.

I look forward to seeing you in the future.

– Dani Delaloye, ACEC-BC-YPG Chair

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