Call for Committee Volunteers & Announcing a New Committee

April 2, 2021

Today, more than 300 members of ACEC-BC offer their time as professional volunteers on our Board, on Committees and as appointees to partner organizations. These members know that we achieve more when we work together to build a community of common interests.

That’s the hallmark of membership with ACEC-BC – Better Together.

Volunteering with ACEC-BC supports our Association advocacy, offers the opportunity for members to develop skills and builds profile for member firms and individuals. Committee members have influence and collaborate with partners like municipalities, regulators and other associations to advance the business of consulting engineering in BC.

Over the past several months an additional 50 members have joined ACEC-BC Committees, supporting them to build new relationships, and earn professional development hours as they collaborate with peers, partners, and clients.

Announcing: ACEC-BC Sustainability and Climate Change Committee

The ACEC-BC Sustainability and Climate Change Committee is seeking new members interested in collaborating on how consulting practice is evolving to integrate environment, climate, economic, and cultural impact, adaption and mitigation. The new committee will work together to define their purpose and workplan. Members with an interest or expertise in sustainability and climate change are encouraged to apply.

Opportunities: Other ACEC-BC Committees

Several other ACEC-BC Committees are also seeking new members. The important work of these committees supports our core member experience and industry profile across BC.

Membership Affairs is seeking 5 to 10 additional members to support their work as advisors to the Board on member engagement, Association communications and marketing. Members of the Committee support the Board to review and recommend new members and advise the ACEC-BC team on member facing practices like renewal, on-boarding, member communications, and sponsorship. The Committee is particularly interested in members active in consulting engineering firms with cross-industry relationships and experience with ACEC-BC.

The Small Firms Council represents the voice of smaller, privately held firms practicing exclusively or predominantly in BC. The Council is working together to identify and create opportunities for small firms to build relationships with key partners in the industry as well as to advise client liaison committees on developing access points for smaller firms.

Our Regional Liaison Committees support industry profile across BC, and engagement of local consulting engineers and local clients. Regional committees support local relationship building and provide a valued link to local clients seeking to collaborate or communicate with the consulting engineering industry. Members across the province are encouraged to apply; if a regional committee has not already formed members will be supported to form a new committee.

If you or a teammate have questions or are interested in participating on any ACEC-BC Committee please send us an email at Please include your name, a short-form CV (or LinkedIn profile), which committee is of interest and a sentence or two on why you would like to participate.

Summary of Committee Openings:

Membership Affairs  |  5-10 openings

Broad industry experience and familiarity with ACEC-BC membership. The Committee is interested in finding members with experience in Business Development, Marketing and Communications as well as technical practice.

Climate Change & Sustainability |  5-15 openings

Broad industry experience and interest in the intersection of consulting engineering and climate change and sustainability, particularly members with experience and interest in developing thought-pieces (for publication) relating to sustainability and climate change.

Small Firms Council  |  Up to 10 openings

Committee members represent a variety of smaller firms and practice areas. Members are interested sharing experience to support operational efficiency, networking, and advising on policy impact to smaller firms.

Regional Liaison |  Up to 5 per region

Committee members represent a variety of smaller firms and practice areas. Members are interested sharing experience to support operational efficiency, networking, and advising on policy impact to smaller firms.


General reference:

 All Committees are appointed by and report to the Board. Committees are seeking members with:

  • Competence in the Committee sector or practice area,
  • Capacity to support the work of the committee
  • An interest in collaborating with other consulting engineering professionals to advance the industry.

All Committee members are:

  • Located anywhere in BC
  • Employed by an ACEC-BC member firm in good standing
  • Committed to upholding the purpose and values of the Association including the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion and will work together to ensure the Committee membership reflects the diversity of ACEC-BC

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Position Paper: Standard Form Agreements

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