Asset Management and Climate Resiliency Course by the Climate Risk Institute

June 7, 2021

To maintain public safety and sustain quality of life, the impacts of climate change need to be understood and used to inform the ways in which we manage our assets – yet it can be daunting for asset owners to make decisions about potentially costly upgrades in the face of uncertainty.

Asset Management and Climate Resiliency is an online course that introduces the fundamentals of asset management so that learners can identify the benefits and challenges of infrastructure asset management and link this to their own practice, including land use planning, operations and maintenance, finance, and risk management. 

The course provides an understanding of how climate can impact assets and services, and how the asset management process can be used to effectively implement climate action to build resilience.

The Course is designed to fulfill one of the knowledge requirements of the Infrastructure Resilience Professional Credentialling Program. It can also be taken as a stand-alone course for professional development credits.

Timing: Classes commence on June 15, 2021


  • $625 plus HST (if pursuing the IRP credential )
  • $475 plus HST (if for professional development only)

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