Master Municipal Construction Documents Association: Director Position

June 16, 2021

ACEC-BC is seeking a member for appointment to the MMCD Board of Directors:

As a founding member of the MMCD, ACEC-BC appoints two representatives to serve on the Association Board. These individuals are selected from ACEC-BC member firms to serve a minimum 2-year term, renewable twice for a total expected commitment of 6-years.

To support representation of ACEC-BC member interest, we are seeking a candidate familiar with MMCD documents, and the contractual relationship between consultant, client, and construction. Financial literacy and general experience with contracts and specifications are valuable assets.

Aligning with our Association values, we seek diverse voices to represent members and their interests. Qualification as an MMCD Certified Contracts Administrator is considered an asset but is not necessary to perform this role.  All external appointees of ACEC-BC are expected to represent our Association values of collaboration, innovation, community, inclusion, diversity, and equity.

Interested members are asked to submit a short CV and supporting details regarding alignment with the needs of the role. Members are asked to provide a letter of support from their firm unless they are the senior voting member for the firm in BC. Candidates will be considered by the ACEC-BC Nominations Committee and recommended to the Board for appointment.

Deadline to submit is July 9, 2021.

About MMCD

The Master Municipal Construction Documents Association (MMCD) was founded in 1995 to create documents to support fairness and consistency in procurement of services to support design and construction of municipal infrastructure.  The Master Municipal Construction Documents are foundational to successful delivery of BC municipal infrastructure, assuring all parties are working together under common conditions. The documents were created to be fair to all parties, easy to read and understand, and designed to minimize confusion and disputes.

About the Board

The 10-member MMCD Board includes representatives of the municipal construction industry including municipalities, associations, and the province. Each contributing agency is responsible for appointment of representatives. Members of the Board are encouraged to participate in Committees including the Documents, Referee, Marketing / Education, Asset Management, Civil, or Electrical.

Expected Time Commitment

The appointed member is expected to attend a majority of MMCD meetings and participate in those meetings in addition to one or more Committees.

  • Board Meetings: The MMCD Board holds four to six 2-hour meetings per year.
  • Preparation Time: Depending on role, the appointed member may expect a minimum of 2-hours of preparation / review time per month.
  • Committee Meetings: MMCD Directors are encouraged to participate in one or more committees. The time commitment for each committee is approximately equivalent to the Board commitment (up to 6-meetings per year)
Submissions are now closed! Questions? Contact us at info[at]

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