Building Permit Level of Design Recommendations

July 8, 2021

Introducing a new resource for buildings professionals – the ACEC-BC Building Permit Level of Design Recommendations!

Developed by Senior building professionals serving on the ACEC-BC Building Engineering Steering Committee, the Building Permit Level of Design Recommendations supports structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical consulting engineers in preparing documents that will be submitted for building permits in BC. This document is the first of it’s kind in Canada and the committee looks to provide more recommendations in the future.

The committee embarked on developing the recommendations due to feedback from industry regarding the different permitting requirements across BC.

“Our committee hopes to support the buildings industry by providing a simple guideline for the primary building engineering disciplines that would serve the requirements of most Authorities having Jurisdiction. We hope this resource will also benefit professionals reviewing permit documents and support consistency within the province”.

– Graham Lovely, Chair of the ACEC-BC Building Engineering Committee

The first release of the recommendations addresses the major disciplines engaged in design for permitting. The committee hope to add other disciplines in the future if encouraged by the buildings community.

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