Interior & Northern Work-Integrated Learning Coalition

July 5, 2021

The Interior and Northern Work Integrated Learning Coalition (INWIL), represented by Thompson Rivers University (TRU), the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO), and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), is seeking your feedback on your knowledge of, and experience with, work-integrated learning to help develop programs, partnerships, and initiatives to support the future of work-integrated learning (WIL) in our province. 

INWIL aims to engage emerging student talent with employment opportunities that support the changing needs and development of small and medium sized organizations. Connecting with emerging talent allows employers to cost-effectively increase capacity within their organization, develop space to innovate and contribute to a future skilled workforce within the Interior and Northern regions of BC.

The project aims to support organizations in the North and Interior by;

  • Fostering connections between industry and higher education;
  • Providing centralized access to student talent from three regional institutions (TRU, UBCO & UNBC);
  • Developing accessible resources to support hiring, onboarding and retaining student talent; and
  • Supporting employers in identifying available funding and grant opportunities.

The coalition is currently seeking to better understand the needs of our regional community and industry partners to build mutually benefitting programs to support growth of work-integrated learning (WIL) with organizations in our regions in order to collectively continue to build a community and network for talent retention. 

What is work-integrated learning?

Work-integrated learning is a model and process of curricular experiential education which formally and intentionally integrates a student’s academic studies within a workplace or practice setting (such as co-op work experience, internships, apprenticeships, and more). You can learn more about the nine different types of WIL by clicking here.

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