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2024 ACEC-BC Awards for Engineering Excellence

Individual, Client, & Organization Submission

Submission Deadline: Feburary 9, 2024 @ 11:59PM PST  |  Got a question? Contact us!

▼ View what’s included in each part of the submission by simply clicking on each section ▼

Nominator Contact Info (your information)

Award Submission

Meritorious Achievement Award

Please include the nominee information below.

Entry Materials Package

The award is intended for professional engineers who have worked for a substantial portion of their career in British Columbia within an ACEC-BC member firm. The award is also open to exceptional individuals who are not professional engineers.

Please upload a PDF package including the following:

  1. Letter of Nomination: please provide a two page (maximum) overview of the nominee, noting their contributions to:
    • The business and stature of consulting engineering in BC (50% weighting)
    • Engineering excellence and industry leadership (25% weighting)
    • Professional associations, engineering societies, educational institutes, community groups, political organizations and volunteer organizations (25% weighting)
  2. Letters of Reference: the nomination package should include two letters of reference from outside of the nominee’s current or most recent firm.
  3. Additional Materials: citations, media releases, media coverage and other materials supporting the nomination are encouraged. Electronic submissions (.pdf format) are preferred.
  4. Support Contact Information: email and contact number for someone who can support us in gathering additional content (bio, photos, etc.) of the nominee if they are selected as a winner.

PDF format only

Client of the Year Award

Please include the client information below.

Please provide contact information for at least one person at the nominated organization.

Entry Materials Package

The Client of the Year Award recognizes a client who encourages positive collaboration with consulting engineering companies through effective communication, fair and transparent processes, and respectful working conditions.

  • Members may nominate any of their Clients regardless of project size or type, including both private and public sector clients. The nomination may be based on one specific project or the corporate approach by the client over a period of time.
  • For Clients with multiple offices, regional offices are eligible for consideration, individually as well as the overall organization.
  • Consulting engineering firms are not eligible. Previous award recipients are eligible after three years.
Entry Materials Package

Please upload a PDF package including the following:

  1. Letter of Nomination: Providing an overview of the nominee and noting the reasons for nomination. (Max 2 pages, 8.5x11, minimum font size 12)
  2. Additional Supporting Materials: Additional materials such citations, media releases, and media coverage are encouraged.
The judging criteria will include, but not be limited to:
  • appropriate procurement and delivery methodology that leads to clear scope<
  • excellent change management
  • use of fair and balanced contracts
  • appropriate risk assessment management and allocation
  • encouragement of a culture of collaboration and team ethic
  • communication and relationship management
  • engagement of consulting engineering community

PDF format only

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award

Please include the nominee information below.

Please provide a contact person for the team you are nominating.
Please provide a contact person for the firm you are nominating.

Primary mailing address in BC

Entry Materials Package

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award recognizes individuals and/or organizations who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion through their actions.

Eligibility Award nominees may be any or a combination of any of the following:
  • An individual from an ACEC-BC corporate member organization
  • A team or group from an ACEC-BC corporate member organization
  • An ACEC-BC corporate member
A nominator may be from the same or a different member firm.

Please upload a PDF package including the following:

  1. Letter of Nomination: A letter (maximum 2-pages, 12-pt font or larger) of nomination providing information on the nominee and why they are deserving of the EDI Award.
  2. Letter of Reference (optional): for nominees whose recognition includes community engagement, an additional letter from the community impacted by the nominee’s actions may be attached to the nomination.
  3. Additional Materials: additional materials that support the impact of the nominee’s actions may also be attached to the nomination.

PDF format only

Young Professional Award

Please include the nominee information below.


Entry Materials Package

The Young Professional Award recognizes a young professional who has demonstrated excellence in consulting business practices, outstanding achievements in their applicable fields, and leadership in the community.

The award is intended for a young professionals with up to 10 years of experience in consulting engineering and working in an ACEC-BC member firm.  

Please upload a PDF package including the following:

Entry Materials Package (max 15 pages, 8.5x11, minimum font size 12))
  1. Letter of Nomination: A letter of nomination (maximum 2 pages) from the candidate’s firm. The letter should describe the person being nominated and how they meet each of the three criteria described below. Use examples whenever possible
  2. Industry & Professional Information: Details of the candidate’s activities and contributions to industry and professional associations. Include organization names and approximate level of commitment.
  3. Volunteer Activities: Details of the candidate’s volunteer activities within the community at large. Include organization names and approximate level of commitment.
  4. Two Letters of Support: (1) One letter supporting the nomination from a client agency or company (2) One additional letter supporting the nomination from outside the candidate’s firm.
  5. Additional Supporting Materials: Additional materials such as resume, citations or recognitions by clients are encouraged.

PDF format only

Consulting Engineering firms are partners, experts, and innovators working for British Columbians.

Our mandate is to advance the business interests of consulting engineering firms in BC by advocating for fair business practices and building awareness of the industry’s contributions to society and innovative technical expertise.

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia

Suite 1258 - 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1T2
604.687.2811 | info[at]acec-bc.ca

© 2024 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia