ACEC-BC Member Bulletin
ACEC-BC Member Bulletin:
Member Bulletins are articles developed by ACEC-BC Committees and Working Groups and published for use by consulting engineering companies as a general resource. The information provided highlights relevant issues and practices for the industry and should not be construed as legal advice.
About this Bulletin – 2024 MMCD CCA:
The Master Municipal Construction Documents Association (MMCDA) released their first Client-Consultant Agreement (CCA) in 1996. This standard form of agreement is used across British Columbia, in some cases with modifications unique to each jurisdiction.
In 2022, a subcommittee formed to review and update the 1996 MMCD CCA. ACEC-BC appointed a representative to the subcommittee, who collaborated with representatives from the Cities of Surrey and Victoria, Township of Langley, and District of Saanich, as well as a regulatory representative, and MMCDA leadership. The 2024 MMCD CCA builds on the 1996 document, with significant updates to better reflect modern assignments, conditions, and current business practices.
The 2024 MMCD CCA can be downloaded from the MMCDA website. Like the 1996 version, Schedule E enables the insertion of additional terms appropriate for certain clients and / or projects. The updated document is streamlined and straightforward and, importantly, retained many of the key rights for consultants like a limit of liability and appropriate ownership of work products.
This Bulletin provides a comparison of the 1996 and 2024 documents to support review and understanding of the new terms.

Access Comparison
Edition Editor: Kathryn Ekman (McElhanney), Mike Currie (Kerr Wood Leidal)
Edition Reviewer: Caroline Andrewes