ACEC-BC Code of Ethical Conduct for Staff, Directors, and Volunteers*

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia (ACEC-BC) volunteers and staff will conduct themselves in keeping with the following principles when acting on ACEC-BC business:


ACEC-BC is committed an inclusive workplace for all volunteers and staff. Volunteers and staff shall treat all people fairly and equitably regardless of who they are, their physical appearance of ability, or how they identify.


ACEC-BC’s decision and policy-making process strives to serve the interests of the entire industry as opposed to a particular sector or region. ACEC-BC volunteers and staff shall not promote the interests of one sector or region of the industry to the obvious detriment of another. Volunteers and staff shall treat all ACEC-BC members equally and fairly, regardless of industry sector, geographic region or business size or affiliation and shall not show any preference or favouritism to one to the detriment of another.

Compliance with the Competition Act:

ACEC-BC will not condone or permit any discussions – official or unofficial – of things like price-fixing, boycotts, refusals to deal, blacklisting, market allocation, supply restrictions or other anti-competitive activity.


Volunteers shall disclose any self-interest or other factor that could be construed as influencing their decision-making.

Gifts, Favours:

Staff and volunteers shall disclose to the ACEC-BC Chair any gift or favour provided to them by an ACEC-BC member or supplier that might in any way be perceived as intended to influence a decision to use a particular supplier or to assist a particular member.


Volunteers and staff shall ensure that any opinions expressed on ACEC-BC’s behalf are consistent with well-recognized ACEC-BC policies and positions and are not personal opinions or beliefs unless clearly identified as such. Staff and volunteers shall at all times strive to ensure that the information and data they use is up-to-date and accurate.


Volunteers and staff shall treat all material derived as a result of their activities with ACEC-BC with the utmost confidentiality and – for volunteers – consistent with their member firm policy.

Board and Committee Solidarity:

Volunteers will respect the final decisions of the Board of Directors or any committees on which they serve, regardless of any positions that they may have expressed on any subject that was discussed.

Discrimination, Bullying, and Harassment:

ACEC-BC is committed to providing a safe, harassment-free space for all staff and volunteers. A respectful workplace is one in which we refrain from using language which may cause others to feel excluded or disrespected.

Harassment (including unwelcome or hostile behaviour, words or actions that intimidate or create discomfort or interfere with another participant’s event experience), abuse, discrimination, unwelcome attention, or other words or actions that disturb staff or volunteers is always unacceptable.

If a volunteer or staff are being harassed, notice that someone else is experiencing harassment, observe unacceptable behaviour, or have any other concerns, they are asked to speak with the President or the Board Chair.

Event Participation:

Volunteers and staff are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct for Events.

* A volunteer is any person serving on ACEC-BC committees or other groups or performing other ACEC-BC activities who does so without remuneration and whose words and actions could be construed to be those of ACEC-BC.

Consulting Engineering firms are partners, experts, and innovators working for British Columbians.

Our mandate is to advance the business interests of consulting engineering firms in BC by advocating for fair business practices and building awareness of the industry’s contributions to society and innovative technical expertise.

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia

Suite 1258 - 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1T2
604.687.2811 | info[at]

© 2024 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia