by acecbc | Oct 21, 2020 | Webcasts
The Competitive Alliance Contracting Model provides a commercial and legal framework between owners and one or more private sector parties as service providers (or non-owner participants) to deliver one or more infrastructure projects. The alliance participants work...
by acecbc | Oct 15, 2020 | Member Celebrations, News
Check out the September-October 2020 EGBC Innovation Magazine for the article “How Engineering Firms Have responded to COVID-19” featuring ACEC-BC President and CEO, Caroline Andrewes and ACEC-BC members Michael Wrinch from Hedgehog Technologies and Timothy White...
by acecbc | Oct 9, 2020 | News
The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance has released a notice looking for a number of positions across all five regulatory bodies. Open positions include: Five statutory committees Nominating Committee Credentials Committee Audit and Practice...
by acecbc | Oct 7, 2020 | Member Celebrations, News, YPG
A big congratulations to David Ellis from ACEC-BC member firm McElhanney for being awarded the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Young Professional Award! Over the past 10 years, David has made significant contributions to the engineering community, demonstrating...
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