The ACEC-BC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee presents: Advancing Gender Equity in the Industry: Translating Thought into Action. In December 2024, ACEC-BC hosted a Leadership Workshop on Advancing Gender Equity…
Position Paper: Standard Form Agreements
ACEC-BC’s Business Practice Committee committee has developed a paper to support members in better understanding Standard Form Agreements.
Standard Form Agreements are contracts available for use by consultants and their clients that are considered…
Position Paper: Climate Change and the Standard of Care
ACEC-BC is pleased to release this position paper, supporting members and their clients to understand and manage the evolving standard of care with respect to climate resilience and adaptation.
Member Guide: Incorporating Climate Change Considerations for Project Scoping and Procurement
The ACEC-BC Sustainability and Climate Change Committee are pleased to release this guide, supporting our members and their clients to integrate climate change…
Position Paper: Recommendations when entering into subconsultant agreements
Jointly developed by the ACEC-BC Small Firms Council and Business Practices Committees, this paper supports members to fulfil commitments under the ACEC-BC Charter of Membership.
2025 Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline
The 2025 ACEC-BC Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline has officially arrived!
For more than 20-years ACEC-BC has produced a comprehensive fee guideline to support firms practicing consulting…
Get Started Guide: Indigenous Relations Action Plan
The ACEC-BC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee is pleased to release its latest resource: Get Started Guide: Indigenous Relations Action Plan!
Guidance for Diversity on Panels & Speaker Rosters
We are excited to release our latest resource: Guidance for Diversity on Panels & Speaker Rosters – a guide for planning ACEC-BC events with speaker rosters representative of the diversity we strive for in our industry.
Position Paper: Indemnities
ACEC-BC’s Business Practice Committee committee has developed a paper to support members in better understanding Indemnities.
An indemnity clause is a contractual provision that can operate to extend a consultant’s liability beyond the scope…
2024 Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline
For more than 20-years ACEC-BC has produced a comprehensive fee guideline to support firms practicing consulting engineering in BC and BC based clients in determining appropriate minimum fees for services.
Transportation Committee – GUL Cement
Recently the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) announced that “to support the increased use of lower-carbon cement in British Columbia, we will now accept the use of Portland Limestone Cement (PLC), aka GUL…
Get Started Guide – Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
The ACEC-BC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee has developed a land acknowledgement guide to support individuals and organizations – providing guidance…
Limiting Liability in Professional Consulting Contracts is in the Public Interest
This paper outlines principles supporting the position that limiting liability in professional consulting contracts is in the public interest and supports fair and balanced contracts….
Equity Reporting in Procurement
ACEC-BC members are energized when we collaborate, when our work is innovative, when we invest in our community, and when our words and actions are inclusive. This bulletin is intended to provide foundational information on EDI in procurement to support dialogue between member firms and their clients.
Unintended Scope – use of RAIC Doc 6 for Electrical and Mechanical Consulting Services
RAIC Doc 6 is a standard form agreement common in architectural assignments and is often used as a basis for sub-consultant engineering service agreements with Terms and Conditions that flow down…
Independent Review of High-Risk Professional Activities or Work
In April 2021, Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC) published a Quality Management Guide to the Standard for Documented Independent Review of High-Risk Professional Activities or Work. The guide was developed based on outcomes…
Position Paper on Limitation of Liability
The ACEC-BC Business Practice Committee is excited to release an updated version the ACEC-BC Position Paper on Limitation of Liability! What is the Position Paper on Limitation of Liability? Limitation of liability clauses are included in agreements between a client...
Recruiting talent: Path to Practice for Refugees in BC
ACEC-BC member firms have identified that labour shortages and increasing competition for top talent as a significant concern. In response to these challenges…
2023 Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline
The 2023 ACEC-BC Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline is now available! Since 1976, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia (ACEC-BC) has been the voice of consulting engineering companies in BC. Our purpose is to advance the business...
Allyship Practices to Foster Inclusion & Belonging
ACEC-BC’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee has developed two resources to support members in better understanding allyship. Allyship is the practice of…
2022 Budget Guidelines for Engineering Services Document 2 – Buildings
The ACEC-BC Building Engineering Committee are pleased to provide this update the 2009 Budget Guidelines for Consulting Engineering Services – Buildings…
2022 Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline
The 2022 ACEC-BC Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline is now available! Since 1976, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia (ACEC-BC) has been the voice of consulting engineering companies in BC. Our purpose is to advance the business...
Culture Change and EDI as We Head Back to New-Normal
Culture Change and EDI as We Head Back To New-NormalMarcie Cochrane, P.Eng, MBAProject Leader, ACEC-BCEighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, as workplaces begin to reopen, organizations are seeing an opportunity for a culture reset. For many, this includes...
Building Permit Level of Design Recommendations
Introducing a new resource for buildings professionals – the ACEC-BC Building Permit Level of Design Recommendations! Developed by Senior building professionals serving on the ACEC-BC Building Engineering Steering Committee, the Building Permit Level of Design...
Leading Remote Teams with EDI Infographic
In partnership with Engendering Success in STEM, we have released a infographic on Leading Remote Teams with Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. Working remotely brings unique challenges and opportunities. For leaders and managers of teams…
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