
Advocacy is our primary mission, focused on fair procurement, balanced contract language, and removal of barriers to doing business in BC.


We create opportunities for members, their clients, and the industry to develop their skills, knowledge, and professional networks.

Industry Profile

We raise the profile of the industry’s impact, its firms, its people, contributions to society, and innovative technical expertise.

Our Members
Consulting Engineering firms who are building and strengthening British Columbia’s economic foundation.

Member firms across BC

Municipalities represented

Employed British Columbians

Contributed to BC Economy each year

News & Updates      See more

ACEC-BC joins BC COVID-19 Cabinet

ACEC-BC joins BC COVID-19 Cabinet

ACEC-BC has joined the British Columbia business community to form the COVID-19 Cabinet – a group comprised of representatives from all industries in BC to provide guidance while addressing the...

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ACEC-BC Launches COVID-19 Advisory Team

ACEC-BC Launches COVID-19 Advisory Team

In our continuous effort to support the industry in these uncertain times, we’ve formed the ACEC-BC COVID-19 Advisory Team – a group consisting of members and clients tasked with addressing...

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Stay in the know

We’ll keep you up to date with our advocacy work, important industry updates, upcoming events, and other interesting ACEC-BC activity.

Consulting Engineering firms are partners, experts, and innovators working for British Columbians.

Our mandate is to advance the business interests of consulting engineering firms in BC by advocating for fair business practices and building awareness of the industry’s contributions to society and innovative technical expertise.

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia

Suite 1258 - 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1T2
604.687.2811 | info[at]

© 2024 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia