ACEC-BC’s Young Professionals Group (YPG) helps guide Young Professionals in their personal and career development by offering opportunities to develop the “soft skills” needed to advance their careers.
Develop leadership skills
Throughout the year, the YPG hosts a series of in-person and virtual seminars where industry leaders share their knowledge and experience on topics related to professional development. These seminars cover non-technical topics such as communications, leadership and project management, and finance and legal competency.
Grow your professional network
It’s not all about professional development! The YPG understands that a vital aspect of developing your career is building your professional network. Through ACEC-BC committee positions and year round networking socials, YPG offers members with unlimited opportunities to build and grow their professional network with senior leaders and other Young Professionals across BC.
Interested in getting involved with ACEC-BC’s YPG?
Upcoming Events
Consulting Engineering firms are partners, experts, and innovators working for British Columbians.
Our mandate is to advance the business interests of consulting engineering firms in BC by advocating for fair business practices and building awareness of the industry’s contributions to society and innovative technical expertise.
Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia
Suite 1258 - 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1T2
604.687.2811 | info[at]acec-bc.ca
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