This Member Bulletin provides a comparison of the 1996 and 2024 MMCD CCA documents to support review and understanding of the new terms…
Building Information Modeling & Bridges in British Columbia: Background
The ACEC-BC and BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure Joint Liaison Committee formed a task force to evaluate opportunities for BIM in the BC bridge industry. To better understand the landscape, the task force developed this Member Bulletin…
Mental Health Resources
Prior to the beginning of the pandemic, employers were starting to understand and respond to the prevalence of mental health challenges in the workplace. Over the last few years, in response to the pandemic and the resulting changes to the workplace, there has been an increased emphasis on the need to…
Get Started Guide – Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
The ACEC-BC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee has developed a land acknowledgement guide to support individuals and organizations – providing guidance…
2023 Annual Report
2023 ACEC-BC Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2022 ACEC-BC Annual Report
ACEC Submission to the National Infrastructure Assessment Consultation
Throughout Canada’s history, connective infrastructure has brought our communities together and linked people from across the country. Despite the strong foundations of these investments, in the last few decades Canada has fallen behind towards ensuring a consistent...
2021 Annual Report
2021 ACEC-BC Annual Report
ACEC-BC By-laws
This society is a member-funded society. It is funded primarily by its members to carry on activities for the benefit of its members. On its liquidation or dissolution, this society…
Effective Leadership: Examining RTO Through an Inclusion Lens
Just when they may have been getting comfortable with leading remote teams, managers and leaders may be having to adapt their approach yet again. As organizations return to the office, leading a hybrid team of both remote and in office employees may be more...
Effective Leadership: The Post COVID-19 Workplace Reframed
The current pandemic crisis has created a number of core business challenges which we all face today. This includes: finding the right time to open the office, identifying what our new workplace will look like, ensuring everyone is safe, and many more. What we may not...
ACEC-BC Return-to-office Survey Results
The ACEC-BC Return-to-office member survey results are in! On June 2, 2020 we launched a member survey supporting return-to-office planning. The survey – developed by a working group of ACEC-BC members – was in support of the Association’s COVID-19 response principles...
2020 Annual Report
2020 ACEC-BC Annual Report
Effective Leadership: Mental Well-Being in the Workplace During a Time of Crisis
Mental Health is a complex issue and one that requires additional consideration during a time of crisis. Beyond supporting teams with the operational aspects of transitioning to working from home, adjusting to different business practices, and adapting to changes in...
Effective Leadership: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness During a Time of Crisis
Recently, ACEC-BC Project Leader Marcie Cochrane released a three part series on Effective Leadership: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness (EDI) During a Time of Crisis. In the series, Marcie provides tips from an EDI perspective on effectively leading teams through...
2019 Annual Report
2019 ACEC-BC Annual Report
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